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Julia De la Rua


Julia is, among many other things, a painter. She thinks and says that her main facet is writing, writing poetry. Well, that is what she does when she paints, her painting is painted poetry, a will transferred to the universe of brush and stain. Julia, when she paints, changes the discipline of the pen and the apparent docility of the words for an undisciplined brush that plays, compresses and releases stains. Trying to limit or locate Julia's paintings would lead us to a resounding failure because she is where she is not found and, when you think you know something, you know nothing, when you try to express certainties, doubts appear. As if no formality or formality could be attributed to her painting. Julia always escapes any pretense of framing. What is Julia de la Rúa's painting? Julia's painting is Julia's soul, in an extension of her poetry, it is her discontent, her nonconformity. Above the colors, above the forms, is its flight. She needs to fly, fly, fly to feel free and it is precisely in the painting where I see her levitate, levitate and fly. It is in the painting where I see her free. That concept of freedom that it can cope with all determinism, that flight that unleashes it above temporal or spatial considerations, above pettiness, mediocrity. Julia achieves that the painting is the transmigration of the soul towards the immensities, that is to say, a madness, an unleashed passion. Julia's painting reflects, on paper, the elf, the existence of her thinking and her not thinking, the collision of sadness with her joy, the victory of her madness over the rigged sanity, her ability to find herself, to be surprised, to be impressed, to expand, yes to expand his indiscipline of flight, his unwilling determination, his free and liberating hand, his quick gesture, his pulse to the world. The reality of her painting, a woven labyrinth without doors, without windows, without walls. The weather sedimented on the puff pastry of her works. In a display of daring our gaze and our mind are tempted to hold it in some strip of surrealism, but that is to locate it, constrain it. Julia as a painter is an objective that any "ism" would want for herself with the aim of expanding her payroll. Julia makes a free, beautiful and free painting, baroque and free, gestural and free, personal, unique, Taoist roots without catalogs.